Hey everyone.
Some of you may have already heard about this, but the Hamilton tour this year has been slowly getting canceled.
I always do my best to stay positive. It’s the only thing I can do. I just focus on what I can change, and what I can do to keep myself motivated.
That’s one of the reasons QuaranTEEN exists.
Today was a good day. I had finished my work early, and was getting the hang of a tricky dance routine. In the middle of practicing outside, in the cold, my dad peeks his head out the back door of the house.
I do a fancy spin, partly to show off, and partly to actually practice, and as soon as I stop, he tells me that our Hamilton tickets were canceled.
We’ve had these tickets since December 2019. For a September 2020 show.
I’m really upset. And I’m having trouble staying out of that dark Covid-19 place, where I can’t imagine anything good happening, for anyone.
If we stay inside, the economy dies. If we go outside, others die.
And we can’t make the virus anyone’s fault. We can’t point at one person we don’t like and say “You did it!”.
Sure, maybe there were preventative steps we could’ve taken, but no one can predict the future.
We could have taken every step available in the universe, and still not have been prepared for COVID-19.
And we all have to face that. Everyone’s lost something here. Whether it was an event, a prom, or a sport season, we’re all facing this together.
But there is always hope.
“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.”
-Albus Dumbledore
I’m deciding to turn on the light.
We all have to value each good thing that happens to us or good thing we’ve achieved, no matter how small.
Celebrate the fact that you woke up today. Congratulate yourself for finishing a book. Applaud yourself for anything at all. Don’t be afraid to dream, smile, laugh, or create.
Hope is what’s going to get us through this.
Sometimes you need to muddle through darkness for a while before you reach light. So cry. Scream. Yell. Rip a piece of paper to shreds. Hit a pillow.
Our bodies are stuck inside. Our emotions can’t do the same. We can’t hold it all in.
So let it out.
Finn out.
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