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What is Operation Pridefall?

Writer: Finn K. Finn K.

Finn here.

I want to talk about Pride month and Operation Pridefall.

As many of you know, I like to read, write, and sew. Some of you don’t know this, but I am a part of the LGBTQ community. This is my first pride month out to my family and friends.

I wasn’t thinking about pride month this year- it seemed really far ahead. My school’s sexuality and gender alliance club talked about going to some pride related events. I was looking forward to new experiences, and I wanted to find my community. And I now want to cry.

For those of you who don’t know, Pridefall is a cyberattack against the LGBTQ community during the month of June.

It’s mainly originated on the site 4chan, and it’s a grisly sight.

Supporters of this movement are advocating to “remind people whether or not they are supporting the right thing,” according to Heavy’s article on “Operation Pridefall”.

There are a lot of things I don’t understand about Operation Pridefall. But what I mainly don’t understand, is why.

So many differing opinions end up ripping us apart. No one can ignore it, not with the events that have happened recently.

People lose friendships over arguments and opinions about race, religion, sexuality, orientation, ethnicity.

Our constitution starts with We The People.

We. The. PEOPLE.

We the people should include everyone. Except it doesn’t, fully.

People call themselves Americans. They say they respect our country. But then they rip it apart with things like Operation Pridefall, racial slurs and offensive jokes.

It makes me not want to believe in the idea of America anymore.

What kind of place am I living in?

So many weapons are used today. So many words are wielded wrong.

And all of America pays the price.

People sometimes ask me what it's like to be a teenager in today’s day and age, or what I think of high school so far.

Here’s my answer: It sucks. Not because of stress or exams, but because of everything and everyone else who makes it their mission to make people feel bad.

I wake up everyday knowing that people are being insulted, abused, bullied, and so much more.

And it makes me feel powerless. So many things are designed to make people feel powerless.

But I have to wonder why. Why do so many people lash out against others? How can I help them?

What can I do? What can everyone do?

No one should have to feel like they are unwelcome or unwanted, no matter who they are, where they come from, what color of skin they have, how much money they make, or what they identify with. Ever.

People say that life isn’t fair. And yes, that might be true. But neither is discrimination. And if I there’s one thing I know, it’s that discrimination and hatred need to stop. Now.

Finn out.


Julie Grene
Julie Grene
Aug 24, 2020

Please keep feeling those feelings, Finn K.! You and many others like you (and me) can change the world because we know what is fair, equitable, and kind. Those who embrace differences and realize that we are more alike than different and that our differences make life interesting. Yes, it's a constant struggle against those who would choose to divide us with unkind commentary and hateful thoughts. But I do believe there is a much more powerful force for good than not. We've recently seen the power of those rising up to stand in solidarity against this type of behavior. Change is slow. We must continue to visualize, speak out, and take action for good. Allow the contrast to clear…


Jul 12, 2020

The bad news is we've seen this before. Pridefall goes by other names in other years. The Moral Majority. MinuteMan Project. Moonies. The Silence Majority. House American Committee. John Birch Society. KKK.

The good news is Finn K is a decent person; I have hope for the future.


Susan J Berger
Susan J Berger
Jul 12, 2020

Love this post. I shared it on Facebook. Thank you.


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